Insurance Company Log On

This unique secure on – line facility allows medical insurance companies access to a range of features such as the ability to view unpaid, underpaid or disputed bills in real time allowing them to make prompt settlement without the need for hard copy bills to be resent to them for consideration.  This will greatly reduce the time in which these types of accounts can be efficiently dealt with and paid.

Insurance companies can also compare payments whereby part of a claim is paid but individual consultant bills may still remain unpaid. Our unique system allows paid and unpaid bills for a single claim period to be viewed side by side via our secure on – line link on insurer’s computers thereby allowing the insurers to promptly identify and settle unpaid bills. Hospital Accounting Services provide billing services to many different specialties in many hospitals thereby allowing us to easily identify situations where certain payments have been overlooked by insurers despite a claim being paid.

IE: A Pathology bill may be paid for a specific claim but an Anaesthetic / Radiology bill may have been overlooked. This unique facility allows Hospital Accounting Services to more easily identify these situations and to work interactively with medical insurers to ensure that all legitimate client bills are settled.

This facility also allows Hospital Accounting Services to efficiently monitor insurance company payment trends and other relevant issues pertaining to our clients private practice billing.

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